
Minimalism and tiny homes go hand in hand. As a tiny dreamer myself, I feel like I’ve been preparing for years, and I’m here to help you do the same. No matter where you are in your journey; whether it’s looking for a builder, in the process of a DIY, or just a dreamer like me, I can help you through the decluttering and decision making process. Through my own experience, plus completing Joshua Becker’s course, I have learned a lot and I want to share it with you.

Organized Living Room
  • Minimalism can be a scary word for people, but I assure you, it’s not. It’s not about living with nothing, it’s about living with only what you need; living with intention. What does that mean? Living with intention means only owning the things that bring value to your life, which serves a purpose, and makes you happy.

  • People live this way for many reasons and going tiny is just one of them. It could be because they don’t want to be constantly cleaning and sorting their belongings all the time. Or it could be because they want to leave a smaller carbon foot print by only buying and owning what they need. People tend to over-accumulate. They're living in larger houses filled with lots of stuff. They waste money on storage units to house the things that don’t fit into their homes. People want to own the latest version of everything and to “keep up with the Jones’”, but is it making them truly happy? By having too much stuff the real joys in life seem to go by the wayside.

  • Are you still a little skeptical? It doesn’t happen overnight, this is a journey. Are you ready to experiment with less?
